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Januari 12, 2012

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Setting pada ProZilla dan ProzGUI

Secara default, ketika kita menggunakan ProZilla maupun ProzGUI, maka dalam proses download file akan di-split (dipecah) menjadi 4 bagian, default direktori file di Downloads (ProZilla) dan Home (ProzGUI).

Namun demikian, tentu saja kita dapat merubah default setting baik di ProZilla maupun ProzGUI.

Cara merubah default setting ProZilla:
1. Buka Terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T), ketik command line:

     $ sudo gedit /etc/prozilla.conf

2. Konfigurasi ProZilla akan terbuka di gedit, seperti di bawah ini:

# Prozilla rc file.
# Any line beginning w/ a "#" is a comment
# Empty lines are ignored

# This will generate a file named debug.log
# If you want to report a bug please also send the file debug.log.

# How many connections prozilla will make.
# This greatly depends on your bandwidth.
# Recommended values:
# 33k: dunno, tell us what you find to be the best
# 56-64k: dunno, tell us what you find to be the best
# Cable: dunno, tell us what you find to be the best
# DSL: dunno, tell us what you find to be the best
# Subspatial Transmissions: dunno, tell us if you have this ;)
# threads = 4

# How many servers will we ping at once
# Recommended values...
pingatonce = 5

# Wait 2*n seconds for a server response (default 2*4)
pingtimeout = 4

# The next option is a very nice thing. Just set it on ;)
# BTW, it's still under test. If you find bugs please report
# them at <>
# Patches are greatly appreciated.
#ftpsearch = ON

#The next line spcifies the server to use for the ftpsearch
# lycos changed it from ftpsearch.lycos com to the following
#ftpsearchurl =
#ftpsearchurl =

# How many mirrors we will request from ftpsearch.
# This option only make sense w/ ftpsearch ON
#mirrors = 40

# The timeout period
# How long do we wait when there is no response before starting again
#timeout = 180

# How many attempts do we make when we encounter a data transmission error
# to get the file in (default is 200), specify 0 to try infinitely
#tries = 200

#The timedelay between retries. (default 15 seconds)
# retrydelay = 15

# The force option, off by default. When enabled cause Prozilla NOT
# to prompt the user about overwriting existent files etc..
#forcemode = off

# Maximum redirections allowed
#maxredirs = 10

# Use ~/.netrc? On by default
#netrc = on

# Uses PASV by default. If you don't like it set it OFF and will use PORT instead.
#pasv = off

# If you turn this option ON, when an error occurs, ProZilla will print the
# error to stdout and quit instead of waiting for the user to press a key to
# exit
#nogetch = off

#The maxbps option can be used to limit the bandwith consumption of
# prozilla for example maxbps = 40000 will limit it to consume a maximum of
# 40k of bandwith, the default is 0 which means unlimited bandwith
# consumption (ie no limitation just get as fast as possible)
#maxbps = 0

#This specifies to which directory the output file will be built
mainoutputdir = /home/downloads/
#Now if you download a file called gcc-2.95.2.tar.bz2 it will be saved as
# mainoutputdir = .

3. Perhatikan baris yang berwarna biru:
    # threads = 4 (jumlah split file ketika download dilakukan)
    # retrydelay = 15 (waktu untuk melakukan reconnect saat jaringan terganggu)
    # mainoutputdir = . (tempat file hasil download disimpan)
4. Kita dapat mengganti pada baris di atas  sesuai yang kita inginkan, misal:
     threads = 5 (jumlah split file ketika download menjadi lima buah)
     retrydelay = 10 (waktu untuk melakukan reconnect 10 detik)
     mainoutputdir = /home/home/user/Documents.
     (tempat file hasil download di Documents)

Catatan: Crash (#) harus dihilangkan, jika tidak dihilangkan maka akan dianggap comment.

Cara merubah setting Default Setting ProzGUI:
1. Buka ProzGUI (Menu/Applications ->Internet ->ProzGUI Faster)

2. Klik File ->Preferences

      Number of threats =jumlah split/pecahan file ketika di download
      Retry Delay (sec)   = waktu untuk reconnect ketika jaringan terganggu
      Time our period (sec) = waktu maksimal melakukan connect
      Limit Bandwith... = jumlah maksimal download per detik
      Directory to download.. = direktori file yang didownload
4. Silahkan ubah sesuai dengan yang diinginkan.

Mudah bukan?, semoga bermanfaat...

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